the only tool you need for professional pest control
Reduce fatigue and get more done with our backpack insecticide sprayer. Say goodbye to pumping sprayers and uneven spray; with the FlowZone pest sprayer, you can cover your whole lawn with ease. Check out our line of professional pest control tools to find the one that’s right for you.
Shop NowWhy choose
FlowZone insecticide sprayers can reach up to 30 feet to extend your range and help you spray in hard-to-reach places.
Make sure your insecticide sprayer reaches exactly where you aim with precision spray application nozzles and shut-off valves.
No more pumping by hand or inconsistent spray; this pest control sprayer offers consistent pump liquid delivery for a smooth flow.

Discover backpack pesticide sprayers
Whether you’re looking for precise interior backpack pesticide sprayers or a machine that can send insecticide spraying over your entire backyard, FlowZone has the model of backpack sprayer that’ll make your pest control that much easier. Plus, save on fuel costs, time lost, and ongoing maintenance costs of traditional professional pest control options.
Use your pest sprayer with ease and precision
Features like the ZeroDrip™ mechanical shut-off valve and the 4-in-1 brass nozzle (exclusive to Storm 1-Gallon) make it easy for you to do targeted insecticide spraying in tight spaces while still having the power and battery life you need for larger jobs. A backpack pesticide sprayer makes pest control easy, offering up to 30 feet of range for hard-to-reach places and large yards.

Available Now
Shop online or find FlowZone® at your trusted chemical distributor. Contact us to find a distributor near you.